Thanks for your interest in sending a story to!
Below you'll find the guidelines for submission.


Story Submission Guidelines


I'm mainly looking for stories on Korea-related travel, shopping, general life, English teaching, etc. Generally one or more pages of writing, plus pictures if you'd like.

If you have a story that you would like to submit please head to the feedback page and paste it into the box, or just drop me a line and tell me what you'd like to do.


When published on the site:

  1. Your article will go in the 'writings' section as well as have a link established in a related area (i.e. travel in the travel section) and/or from the front page.
  2. You agree that I have the right to remove the story from the site at anytime and for any reason.

If you would like to send photos with your story, great, but PLEASE e-mail me first so we can agree on image formats and file sizes.

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