Paul van Dyk
I arrived at the
Alannis Morrisette concert around 6:30pm. I was waiting for the arrival
of Paul van Dyk. His promoters promised me an interview since he was too
tired after his show the other night. I was already going to the Alanis
Morrisette concert and Paul van Dyk is a huge fan of hers, to my surprise.
The show would start around 7pm and he
was supposed to show up around
6:45. As usual in Korea, he was late by an hour because of the heavy traffic
in Seoul. He arrived with his girlfriend and promoters around 7:30, and
it looked like I wasn't going to get my interview because
he looked pissed because of the long taxi ride. The promoters said it
didn't look good that, for me to get my interview, but luckily
I struck a bargain. The promoters and their girlfriends didn't
have backstage passes and I said if I can get you those passes then can
I get an interview? Obviously, the answer was yes, so I used my charm
and sinister mind and got my hands on a few passes. So inside the Alanis
Morrissete I finally got my sit down with Paul van Dyk.

So I finally got my interview are you happy for me?
Your one of the best DJ's in the world and I saw you play
in New York a few weeks ago in front of 2000 people and I heard you played
in a packed house in Tokyo. How did you like playing for a sparse 600
people crowd?
It was really nice. The crowd was small but more intimate than most places
I play.
How do you feel about most of the crowd not being on drugs?
I know it's common for people at raves to be taking uppers
like Ecstasy.
It's nice to know that people can enjoy my music and dance
without taking drugs.
Where do you get the stamina to play 6 and 8 hour sets, when you came
into the club you looked really tired
I just came in from Tokyo and I was exhausted, but after getting some
food in my stomach and feeling a strong vibe from the crowd then I woke
up. With everyone going crazy and feeling such a rush it's
real easy for me to play long sets.
Because the Internet is making the world smaller, do you ever plan to
release a single on the Internet?
Right now I don't see that happening anytime soon, because
it's fairly new and I don't know all the details
You have remixed songs for New Order and The Spiral Carpets and many more.
Is there anyone out there that you would like to work with?
I've always wanted to work with Sasha; Sasha is a world famous
DJ playing out of New York's famous club Twilo.
I've got a project in the works with Sasha and the single
will be called 'Avenue'. My new album will be
out next spring.
Now you started playing in East Germany and now your international, what
kind of advice would you give to local Koreans who want to move onto the
international scene.
I would tell any young DJ's to find their own rhythm and/or
sound and focus on that. There are a lot of good DJ's out
there and only a few will be able to breakthrough, so practice hard and
get a good vibe.
Thanks for your time and have fun in Taiwan.
You can check out more about Paul van Dyk at is homepage