soups (tang) are eaten year round but enjoyed most, like the stews,
w hen
the temperature drops below freezing. Unlike the stews, spice is not a
main ingredient but can be added if desired. The one exception to this
is yuk-kae-jang. Here spice is the main ingredient. It contains
strips of beef and just looking at it, with its red broth, you know you'll
be breathing fire. Sam-gae tang is a delicious, healthy soup that
is made with a whole chicken, ginseng, garlic and a jujube. It's believed
by Koreans to give one "stamina" although I've personally never experienced
this burst of energy. Kal-bi tang is made with boiled pork short
ribs and most commonly green onions. The restaurant can make or break
this soup depending on the quality of meat that is used. Sol-long
tang is a hearty beef stock soup that you add salt to. Most of
the soups, like most all Korean meals, are served with rice and plenty
of side dishes.